DellEMC vblock discovery not working in Vision?

    DellEMC Vision, vBlock Discovery failed….??

What is DellEMC Vision,  Well it is a monitoring tool with a capability to check vBlock release compliance matrix (RCM) and Security hardening status for each vblock with baseline security settings. DellEMC Vision periodically discovers Vblock components and one of the ways to check if it is running OK is to check when was the last successful discovery, sometimes vblock discovery does not work or fails.

For Detailed introduction about DellEMC Vision – Please visit  DellEMC Vision

Most common issue we face in or after deploying Vision is, vBlock discovery  fails,   please follow below steps to troubleshoot 

Possible Reason – 1

  1.  Restart of VCE Vision Core didn’t worked.  Login to VCE vision Core VM using putty

          All services are up and running:








[root@vision ~]# cd /etc/init.d/

[root@vision init.d]# ./vce-fm-all-services status

vce-fm-master is running (pid=11093 )

vce-fm-adapter is running (pid=11599 )

vce-fm-agent is running (pid=11854 )

vce-fm-net-snmpd (pid=11349 ) is running

vce-fm-naaagent is running (pid=12101 )

    2. Go to logs folder to see if discovery is happening or not




[root@vision init.d]# cd /opt/vce/fm/logs/

[root@vision logs]# grep Performance FMAgent.log |grep "discoverAll and all"

[root@vision logs]#

Nothing in recent logs…

   3. Let’s check previous logs to find the last successful discovery:

[root@vision logs]# grep Performance FMAgent.log* |grep "discoverAll and all"

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 09:54:52,574 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1592ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:667

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:04:46,407 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1216ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:667

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:09:49,039 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1439ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:648

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:19:47,603 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1473ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:667

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:24:49,372 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1245ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:647

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:34:39,326 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1458ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:666

FMAgent.log.2018-03-16.4: INFO  2018-03-16 10:39:36,794 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(1598ms) totalMem:1053 freeMem:682

[root@vision logs]#


Okk.. so last successful discovery was on March 16 2018.


Lets dig in dipper for more information

[root@vision logs]# tail -f FMAgent.log

ERROR 2018-03-16 13:43:14,721 [main] [startVblocksDiscoveryService] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - EULA has not been accepted. discovery/health poll is disabled

ERROR 2018-03-16 13:43:14,721 [main] [startVblocksDiscoveryService] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Issue startEulaAcceptance to begin EULA acceptance

INFO  2018-03-16 13:43:14,722 [main] [logEvent] : event.FMEventServiceFactory - publish event: id=EulaEULA has not been accepted. You must accept End User License Agreement to enable discovery/health poll.


So, the issue was Eula wasn't accepted. Last time we added new Chassis, then Eula wasn't accepted.


Note- Whenever any component added / removed or re-installed from/ in vBlock, then Eula needs to be accepted in VCE Vision Core VM to start discovery



4. We can follow below steps to accept Eula


[root@vision logs]startEulaAcceptance

Starting EULA acceptance: Wed Mar 16 13:50:18 UTC 2018

Enter Name> Mark Strong

Enter Title> Master of the Universe

Enter Licensee Company Name – vipal

Enter Accepting Company Name – vipal

Do you accept the End User License Agreement:[yes/no]- yes

Softcopy of End User License Agreement File created in: /opt/vce/fm/eula/VCE_EULA_V2_2.txt

Wed Mar 16 13:50:58 UTC 2015 EULA has been accepted.

5. VCE Vision Can now discover vBlock

[root@vision logs]# grep Performance FMAgent.log |grep "discoverAll and all"


INFO  2018-03-16 15:54:49,895 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(3992ms) totalMem:158 freeMem:95


INFO  2018-03-16 15:55:08,445 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(3512ms) totalMem:163 freeMem:115


INFO  2018-03-16 16:16:59,372 [main] [update2Listeners] : scheduler.VblocksDiscoveryService - Performance:update2Listeners finished with discoverAll and all(551ms) totalMem:234 freeMem:161

6. Is discovery fails again,

you can run "StopFMAgent" and "StartFMagent" command. Then the vBlock discovery will start as described in point 5.

[root@vision init.d]# stopFMagent


Disabling FMagent services from starting automatically...

Waiting for the FMagent services to stop.

vce-fm-master is not running

vce-fm-adapter is not running

vce-fm-agent is not running

vce-fm-net-snmpd is not running

vce-fm-naaagent is not running

[root@vision init.d]# startFMagent

Enabling FMagent services to start automatically…

Waiting for the FMagent services to start.......................................

vce-fm-master is running (pid=10205 )

vce-fm-adapter is running (pid=10724 )

vce-fm-agent is running (pid=10983 )

vce-fm-net-snmpd (pid=10466 ) is running

vce-fm-naaagent is running (pid=11284 )


Possible Reason 2

  1. Check NTP is configured on Vision Core server or not. If not, configure it
  2. Check NTP is configured on Vision MSM Server or not, if not please configure it. # You will get option to configure NTP while deploying MSM VM.
  3. Check if Core server is properly added in MSM. If not, run below command in MSM   /opt/vce/multivbmgmt/install/
  4. Make Sure, DNS entry is properly configured  for both MSM and Core VM (forward and reverse lookup)

Hope this helps…. happy reading 🙂